The healthcare system in Guinea-Bissau is characterized by limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare professionals. The country faces numerous challenges in providing quality healthcare to its population. It is estimated by UNICEF that 66%. of the population lives more than 5km from the nearest health structure, the national average is one health center for more than 13.500 inhabitants and the doctor-patient ratio is 0.20 doctors per 1000 inhabitants.
The healthcare services are mostly concentrated in Bissau and the regional capitals. Currently, there is one major hospital in Bissau (hospital Nacional Simão Mendes ) and 10 other hospitals across the enbre country. Limited transportabon infrastructure and long distances to healthcare facilibes make it difficult for many people to access medical care, addibonally, the cost of healthcare services can be a barrier for those living in poverty.
Predict the future by Implementing mobile medical units
customized to fit the needs of various rural communities in the country to provide accessible healthcare and improve health outcomes by providing early management before health issues become emergencies.
To improve literacy rates among youth in rural communities with a focus on basic Reading, writing, and numeracy skills. The project aims to empower children and youth in rural areas with essential literacy skills, enhancing their quality of life, employability, and participation in their communities.
This section outlines the systematic approach we take in our projects, ensuring clarity and transparency in every phase of our organizational activities.